Before & After
As HCG Protocol is a medical S4 prescription product, legislative changes only allow limited information to be included in testimonials from our happy customers about their weight loss success. We respect the privacy of all our patients and only show testimonials and/or before and after pictures of those who have given their written permission. As we are sure you understand many wish to retain confidentiality, thus we are not able to show a full gallery of the thousands of successful weight loss stories.
Male, Melbourne, Victoria - 11.6kg loss in 3 weeks

Male, Rural QLD - 17.5kg loss in 5 weeks

Male, Melbourne, Victoria - 2014 - 3 week program

Female, 50 Years Old, Melbourne, Victoria


Robert W, Male, 30 Years Old, Melbourne, Victoria November 2013

Female, 50 Years Old, June/July 2019
I had put on weight gradually over the years, probably due to chronic low-level stress and ageing.
I had reached an age where I could no longer exercise at the intensity and duration I used to, and my job was sedentary as well.
I had tried appropriate diet and exercise and it had minimal impact. My setpoint had changed and I know that to change that back, without HCG, would have been a very long and very uncomfortable process. The thing is that my lifestyle did not permit this.
I could not continue to function properly at work and undertake months and months of strict diet and exercise - and the concurrent discomfort associated with resetting my setpoint.
HCG let me achieve this in a matter of 2 weeks!!! Yes, there is a little hunger, but no worse than you usually get around mealtimes normally. I realised how much of my eating was emotionally and habit-driven, too.
I feel amazing! My clothes all fit again and I'm enjoying shopping for new clothes. I can move normally again, and not feel that body fat is impacting on my movements.
I'm so grateful this program exists!!!
Couple Rural Australia - September to October 2019
Over the years as we have gained weight, we tried many different diet programs and nothing seemed to work for us. We would exercise but still never really lost weight. The only program that has given us the significant weight loss is the HCG Protocol. It very straight forward and easy to follow once you get into a routine and it actually works.
*patients pictured have given their written permission to allow their photos to be displayed.