HCG and Exercise

HCG – the Secret Weapon to Lose Weight without the need for Exercise


The HCG Protocol for weight loss works in a way that may seem contrary to many commonly held beliefs – amongst them that fat loss is a simply a matter of “Calories In versus Calories Out”…….i.e. if you expend more energy than you take in as food, then fat loss will result.


This may work for some, but is by no means a formula that can be equally applied to everyone, especially as we age.

Hormonal changes, or other health issues such as those related to digestive tract – or effects on  metabolism due to long term dieting/calorific restriction, etc, all come into play.

Exercise can also be a barrier due to pain from chronic muscular/skeletal issues or injury, which can in turn lead to weight gain.

Even those who have previously exercised, or still do, issues can arise over time that make fat loss more of a battle.

No doubt you have read different fat loss articles on “Breaking that Plateau” or “Tricking your Body“– from both a dietary and exercise perspective. These are of course all valid strategies to again start to trigger weight loss for some, and in some circumstances.

If however you are one of the unfortunate number that no matter what you do you don’t seem to be able to shift the fat–either for overall weight loss, or from a specific body part–then HCG could certainly be the missing “secret weapon”…

Where HCG differs from traditional weight loss programs is that it targets the fat….. but without a reliance on your physical output.


See How does HCG work for fat loss?

During an active HCG cycle a moderate level of non-strenuous exercise is recommended for the 3 or 6 week duration (length of treatment depending on how much weight you have to lose) ….however it is NOT mandatory for fat loss.

In fact too strenuous exercise can be counter productive, as with HCG active in your body (combined with a specific low calorie diet) it is directed to focusing energy on fat loss…….so high output cardio such as running, cycling, etc–or intense weight training can compete for your energy pathway–possibly resulting in some level of fatigue and/or lower fat loss.

Do not however let this be a reason to sit on the couch and wait for it to all happen!

Moderate exercise will certainly help with the final outcome, being a firmer and more toned/shapely body.

If you are already regularly training with weights, or a swimmer or cyclist, etc your body will have a different threshold before it becomes an issue whilst on the very low calorie (VLCD) phase of the HCG Diet .

As a guide, aim for approx 70% of maximum heart rate for any cardio and if you want to do more, then get in the gym and do some stretching or lift some weights.

Yoga and Pilates are also good options.

….anything that involves  weight-bearing exercises or stretching, such as yoga, Pilates, fit ball etc.

As is walking; we recommend 30–45 minutes a day (up to 1 hour is great if you can fit it in an it does not tire you) and try to do this out in nature–whether with a partner, your baby or family, a friend or your dog – will make a remarkable difference to your overall well being.


If you are already in training, you will find that you won’t need to work at the same level to lose fat. However as HCG works to help preserve muscle, despite the reduction in your workout intensity you also need not fear that previous hard earned muscle gains have to be sacrificed in order to shed the fat.

After just 3 or 6 weeks you can quickly return to your normal level of training………with a more muscular and lean looking physique (due to the loss of abnormal fat).